Ways to Transition From Winters to Spring

Seasons have a direct impact on our health, affecting the balance of the elements inside each one of us. By living in harmony with the environment, we can prevent illness and imbalance.

Spring is the season for rebirth, renewal and re-growth. It is when we move from the darkness of winter into the light.

We will tell you the basics one should follow for a healthy transition from winters to spring:

1.Come Out Of Hibernation

Just like other animals and nature hibernates, we often find ourselves living sedentary lifestyles, retreating into our warm homes during the cold winter months. As hibernating animals awake and flowers start to bloom, spring encourages us to fling open the windows and get outside to replenish good quality air.

Try doing stretch exercises, a great way to boost energy using stretching techniques. Making simple changes in your daily routine and diet can make a huge difference to your health and wellbeing as well.

2.Cleanse The Body

It’s time to focus on digestion and detoxification. As spring is associated with the liver, it is important to have a diet that strengthens and cleanses the liver.

In winter we often find ourselves craving tasty dishes. Then comes the festive season where we overload on indulgent feasts and guzzle down countless drinks while exhausting ourselves with all the parties. 

Now is the time to renew and regenerate your body. Just like we spring clean our homes, we also need to spring clean our body, especially our digestive system.

Pro Tip: Eat green and sour foods, such as green leafy foods, to your diet.

3.Spring Clean

In spring it is as important to detox your home as it is your body. To start fresh it requires removing toxins from our daily routine. It is an important time for cleaning and improving harmony, not only on the inside but also in our surroundings. Open the windows to the fresh spring air and start cleaning the home. Do as much as you can to reduce your toxic load by choosing natural cleaning products and natural personal care products for your body.

It is a great time to start getting regular massages. As massage stimulates the circulatory system, it supports the body’s natural detoxifying functions. Aromatherapy, Thai and Tuina massage are all options you should consider indulging in when spring arrives. Although all massage feels great, relieves tension and increases energy, Thai and Tuina massage use special techniques to help release blocked Qi that may have been caused by the sluggishness of winter. It’s all about spring-cleaning your life!

4.Look After Your Liver

Spring is associated with the liver. When the liver is running smoothly, emotional Qi will flow with ease throughout the body. The liver is responsible for metabolism of fat, detoxification of drugs, breaking down carbohydrates and producing heat for the body.

Releasing negative emotions from this organ helps us to feel reinvigorated and ready for new beginnings.


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