Essentials for Your Newborn Baby's First 6 Weeks

While newborns don't actually need a lot of gears in their first weeks of life, some newborn clothing essentials and other items can make your life easier. Diapers, wipes, burp cloths, bottles, and blankets are just a few things you'll likely need a lot of in those early weeks.

When shopping for clothes for newborns, keep safety in mind. For example, avoid things that might strangle or have choking hazards like buttons, bows, and strings.

Also keep in mind how often you'll have to change your baby's clothes. Diaper blow-outs, spit-up mishaps, and temperature changes can mean babies need new outfits multiple times a day—not to mention how often you'll need to access their bottoms for diaper changes. So, you might want to stick to things that are easy to slip on and off.

Let’s dive right into essentials you’ll need:

1.Clothing Essentials

Buying clothes for newborns can be irresistible, but newborns don't really require an extensive wardrobe. While you'll want multiples of the basics for inevitable midday and midnight clothing changes and to buy yourself some time before the next load of laundry, you can keep it simple.

Start with a couple of side-tie or side-snap T-shirts to put on your baby until their umbilical cord stump separates. After that, dress your little one in their "working" outfit, the pieces of which you'll find in this newborn clothing essentials list:

  • Bodysuits 

  • One-pieces 

  • T-shirts 

  • Long pants

  • Gowns 

  • Sleepers 

  • Socks or booties

  • Knit hat


Before you even think about clothes for your newborn, you'll want diapers—and lots of them! If you give birth in a hospital, they will likely supply you with disposable diapers to use during your stay (and if you ask, they may even send you home with some!). But newborns go through up to a dozen diapers a day, so you'll need to replenish frequently.


Disposable wipes are a lifesaver for diaper changes and most yucky messes. When picking out wipes, avoid products with fragrances to prevent irritating your baby's soft skin.

Alternatively, you can easily make your own wipes with paper towels or baby washcloths with a mixture of water, oil, and unscented baby soap.

4.Baby Bottles

Your baby will seem like a sleeping and eating machine for the first few weeks. Fortunately for you, the menu's pretty limited.

5.Burp Cloths

Whether breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, have about a dozen burp cloths on hand to protect your clothing. (Note that cloth diapers also make ideal burp cloths.)

6.Crib or Bassinet and Mattress

Given that a baby's main activities in the first weeks of life will be eating and sleeping, you'll want to be prepared with a safe space for your baby to sleep. Some parents prefer to start with a bassinet while others go straight for the crib.

7.Baby Blankets

Parents should have a few receiving blankets for swaddling their little ones during naps and nighttime. These cozy blankets are usually made with thin, soft flannel or muslin. Receiving blankets are multi-use and can double as play mats, nursing covers, or even burp cloths in a pinch. You won't mind having several around.

8.Baby Shampoo, Wash & Bathtub

Stock up on specially formulated baby wash and shampoo. These newborn essentials are gentler on delicate skin than regular soaps and are typically formulated to be tear-free. And good news—expensive baby soaps and shampoos aren't always the best. You may be surprised that inexpensive brands work just as well. Also, don't forget to get a bathtub for your little one.

9.Towels and Washcloths

Parents and babies alike love snuggling up after bathtime. So, don't forget the hooded towels and washcloths.

Many baby towels come in a thin material, which is usually sufficient. But you can also find thicker terry cloth material, too. Or you can easily make your own if you or a family member or friend is crafty.

10.Baby Lotion

Rubbing lotion on your baby's skin after a bath keeps it healthy and hydrated, but always purchase lotions formulated for babies. And if your little one is prone to rashes or eczema, ask a health care provider for their recommendations. There are plenty of lotions made especially for baby eczema.



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